Torben Sondergaard Podcast

Baptism in Holy Spirit and Fire

Torben Sondergaard

The first time Jesus came was to baptize us with the Holy Spirit. The second time He will come to bring salvation to those who await Him and to baptize the rest with fire.

Yes, all people will be baptized by Jesus. If people don't receive the first baptism with the Holy Spirit, they will receive the next baptism in fire, and we don't want that.

Many misunderstand what the bible is saying here in Matthew chapter 3:

Mat 3:11 "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

One reason is that we don't know there is a gap in this verse. A gap between the two baptisms that have now been 2000 years.

But this is not the only place we see this. Also, with Jesus' first sermon in Luke 4 and with Peter's first sermon in Acts 2.

Please see this teaching that will bring revelation to you and help you focus on that day, the day our Lord returns.

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