Torben Sondergaard Podcast
Join Torben Sondergaard as he shares his teachings and experiences from his missionary journeys. Through practical instruction, Torben inspires and prepares Christians to emulate the disciples of Jesus from the early church. Discover how to make disciples, spread the Gospel, and live in anticipation of the Day of the Lord.
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Podcasting since 2022 • 41 episodes
Torben Sondergaard Podcast
Latest Episodes
Saved Out Of Egypt: Our Journey Of Salvation - Kingdom School - Lesson 4
If there were just one message I truly wanted the church to get, it would be this one: to understand what salvation is, what we are saved from, how we are saved, and what we are saved to. Yes, to understand that salvation is a jour...
Called Out and Be Separated: The Church in the Wilderness - Kingdom School - Lesson 3
In this challenging lesson, we have arrived at a beginning for Israel and the Church, and we will explore they how called out from Egypt in the book of Exodus. But called out from where? And yes, I used the term "the c...
Abraham, Our Father - Circumcision Done by Christ - Kingdom School - Lesson 2
In this second lesson of the Kingdom School, Torben helps us see how Abraham is also our father and what that means. He explains how the covenant of circumcision has not changed. Today, we are circumcised not by human hands but by Christ when w...
From the Beginning to the New Beginning - One Big Story - Kingdom School - Lesson 1
One day, many will say, "Lord, Lord, did we not...?" but they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, we need to prophesy, cast out demons, and heal the sick as the Bible has called us to do. But we also need to live righteously.
THIS Gospel of THE KINGDOM - Kingdom School - Introduction
It took 300 days, and finally, Torben experienced the freedom in the midst of the persecution that the early disciples faced. For the next 120 days, God called him to create this teaching series and write two books. This was all par...